This August is National Wellness Month and an excellent time to step back and reflect on what you can do to protect your health and overall wellbeing.
While it’s an old saying, the words still ring true. The best way to promote good health and feel better in every way is to treat your body like a temple! Take some time to focus on self-care and identify the steps you can take to support overall wellness.
As skilled and experienced pulmonologists, the office of North Jersey Pulmonology Associates offers the following advice:
A full night’s sleep is essential to your overall health. If you are well rested, you feel good and can function at your best. When normal airflow while sleeping gets disturbed or diminished by sleep apnea or another respiratory disorder, it can harm both your short-term and long-term health.
If you, a member of your family, or housemate exhibit loud snoring, abrupt awakenings, moments of gasping for air, and difficulties getting a good night’s sleep, contact our office for an evaluation and care. In addition to performing sleep studies and tests to arrive at a precise diagnosis, we prescribe the treatment patients require to get a safe, healthy, and restorative night’s sleep. We also offer skilled and supportive guidance on lifestyle and behavioral modifications to help patients work towards a healthy body weight.
Take steps to protect the health of your lungs. Consider adopting the behavioral and lifestyle changes needed to make breathing easier. Also, find ways to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants that can affect respiratory function.
This year staying healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic remains front and center in everyone’s mind. We emphasize taking the precautions as recommended by The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention and as mandated by the government authorities to protect yourself and others. Remember, many of the measures applicable to COVID-19 are also essential for preventing other respiratory infections.
To support daily function and maintain ongoing health, it’s essential to keep your body hydrated and get the nutrients you need. Don’t forget to incorporate exercise into your routine. Regular exercise not only keeps the rest of your body in shape, but it also improves the health and efficiency of your lungs and helps to slow the progression of lung disease.
Your trusted partner in care
At the office of North Jersey Pulmonary Associates, our goal is to help patients breathe easier and chart a path to wellness. As skilled and experienced pulmonologists, we provide the care needed to prevent, manage, and treat respiratory disorders.